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A Different Approach to Design
The words "art" and "design" seem to overlap so much in daily conversation it’s hard to imagine one without the other.
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Bulletproof Ajax (Book review)
Roger from 456 Berea street reviews Bulletproof Ajax a book by Jeremy Keith. A nice little recommendation for a book about Ajax.
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How To Make A Photoshop Brush
Bit box talks about the best way to make a Photoshop brush, a very handy tutorial. They even include a little example.
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107 real life Add to Cart Buttons
A collection of real life "Add to Cart" buttons" used by retail sites. These are NOT for your own use!
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On Showcases/Galleries—Niche is nice
For those of you that adore the galleries, FadTastic has taken time out to say why niche is nice when it comes to showcases.
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IE Multimedia filters reference
Multimedia Filters, supported in IE5.5+, allows you to easily add rich visual effects to your content. Great reference on IE filters.
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Data Grids
Solutions for data grids, developed with AJAX, DHTML and/or JavaScript.
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Fancy Form Design Using CSS
The ways in which you can design a great-looking form.
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Evangelizing Outside the Box: Web Standards and Large Companies
A List Apart talks about the state of web standards and especially the progress that large companies have made towards adopting web standards.
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Supercharge your image borders
Three ways to spruce up your image borders and add a little more visual interest to your designs.